BOM Flowers

BOM Flowers
I love quilts

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My beautiful new quilt

I saw this quilt about a year ago on the p s iquilt blog by Rachel Griffith. Rachel designed the quilt using the fabrics - Rouenneries by French General for Moda. I fell in love with the pattern and colors. I made the quilt in the fall of 2010, but did not get it quilted until spring 2011. It was quilted by Laurel Cook and it is exquisitely quilted, however, I did learn a lesson on this quilt. If I had studied Rachel's quilt closer, I'd have seen that she just quilted it with on overall Rose pattern. I had mine custom quilted and although it is lovely, the quilting blends into the quilt to the point that it really does not enhance the overall look of the quilt. The patterns in the fabric are dominant, and the quilting blends in. I don't think I would have liked the quilt at all, if I had made the quilting dominant by using a darker thread,because that would have detracted from the fabrics. The quilting does not take away from the quilt, it just does not add anything that an overall pattern would not have provided. The border quilting does show up. This custom quilting was additional cost for no additional beauty, in my opinion. Lesson learned. There is a time for custom quilting. I've had it done on other quilts and it made the quilt. More is not always better, just more.